Motivations Ministries

Oh, Lord, to hear your voice and know what You would have me do.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Where is Everyone? Gone for the Summer

(Tight quarters on the mercy ship Integrity, docked in the port at Georgetown, SC, July '10)
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. 
   As I sat on the bunk in this tiny cabin last week, I asked, "Lord, are you asking me to take another journey across the sea?"  Silence.  Whew!
   No matter where we live, how big our family, how large the house, how prosperous our business, if we are serious about serving God, we must be ready to say yes to Him at any time, on a moment's notice.  Is it easy to say yes?  Not always.  Is it worth saying yes? No doubt about it.
   As you enjoy your summer, don't forget to allow God time to speak to you.  Many of my prayers end up being a one-way conversation due to my list of items I'm bringing to the throne of the Most High God.  But what about God?  Do you think He has anything to say to You?  I'm sure of it.
   We must learn to accept the silence around us as a gift from the Lord.  The moments when there are no kids around, no TV, radios, iPhones, iPads...get the picture?  Just you and Him. 
To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance.  Matthew 25:29 NLT
   What you give up for Him, you will gain in many other ways.  I sold many precious items both times we went over seas for a year+, but today I'm blessed beyond measure.  What if I had said no to the Lord's requests?  I don't even want to know!  Don't get me wrong--I have said no quite a few times in my past, but God is patient and kind and knows how to get me back on track. 
   Until next week, all you WINners keep cool, and keep listening.  Oceans of blessings,  Sharron


  1. Thanks for this, and goes down smooth! "Only those who will risk going too far find out how far one can go."~LOVE that!!! Inspired to listen closer and quiet down for a while. Oceans of life in this:) -Jennifer

  2. Jennifer, with a fear of water, I never thought I'd be able to travel the 7 seas on a 40+ old mercy ship. I did, and YOU can do whatever God is speaking to you about.
