Motivations Ministries

Oh, Lord, to hear your voice and know what You would have me do.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wet, Wild & WINning Summer

Take a chance!  All life is a chance.  The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.
~ I know, I know, you're saying, it's too hot to take a chance! All I want to do is lounge by the pool with a good book.  But is there ever a right time to take a chance?  For me, the opportunity usually comes when I'm living the comfortable life--in '91 when we lived a year in Sweden in Bible school; in '94 when we quit our jobs, leased the house, sold the cars, and volunteered 14 months on the MS Restoration; in '98 when we moved to Huntington Beach (oh yeah...that was no sacrifice--that was a blessing!); in '06 when we left family and friends in California and moved to South Carolina--we're still trying to figure this one out!
~ What am I saying?  Just be ready to take a chance.  I'm telling you, there are blessings and surprises when you do.  Example: I took a chance on writing my novel, Lady and the Sea. I've toiled over this book off and on for five years; it's been a love/hate relationship, but when God asked me to write it, and after several confirmations, I answered, "Okay, okay, I'll take a chance!"  I'll let you know when the book is published--the least you can do is purchase a few copies for all my blood, sweat and tears! *smiling*
~ I don't know what dreams or desires are stirring inside you, but there will come a moment when you will have to decide, am I going to pass, or am I going to take a chance?  There's a song, "Dance" with a chorus that says, "...and when you have the chance to sit it out or dance....I hope you Dance!"
My word for you WINning women this week is simple:  DANCE!
Use every chance you have for doing good.  Ephesians 5:16 NCV


  1. I love that song.....and your reminder to risk!
    We're in good hands; let's just have a go:)

  2. Thanks for the reminder to risk. I hope my days of sitting it out are over:)
    Thanks, Sharron,

  3. I hope I didn't come off as a writer who doesn't like to write! I love to write, but every writer goes through ups and downs. The key is not to give up. There's a story inside you that needs to be told in order to encourage others.
