Motivations Ministries

Oh, Lord, to hear your voice and know what You would have me do.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Week 13 ~ Bible Study Blog

This is our last Bible study blog week (where has the time gone?) In the future, I'll continue the blog by talking about topics that involve women in the workplace, at home, and at play. Let me know if you have any suggestions--I'm open for some hot subjects!  I hope you'll continue to join us weekly. Now, let's dive into our final Bible study.

Week 13 ~ Work closely to the Master ~
Who do YOU know?  This question comes up in the business world when we are seeking to strengthen our position on a matter.  If you had the ear of the Ruler of the universe, wouldn't it seem logical to use that contact to guide our success?  Well, we do have friends in high places.  I admit that one of my favorite songs is Garth Brook's "I've Got Friends in Low Places", but when it comes to making important decisions, I turn to my best Friend in High Places!
Blessed is the man who listens to Me, watching daily at My doors, waiting at My doorway.  For whoever finds Me finds life and receives favor from the Lord.  Proverbs 8:34-35
As it is in the work place, when  the boss knows we will implement the plans to his liking and specifications, our level of responsibilities grow.  It is the same in God's Kingdom.  God stretches our faith with each assignment.  Is He using you today?  If you're in your comfort zone, then enjoy the moment.  God wants you to be living in a place of cutting-edge faith.  Faith is a place of confident assurance that something you want to happen, will.  Faith is the fuel of the spiritual engine.  Faith is the light beam that carries your prayer beam to heaven.  God keeps us at a place of trust while walking in the unknown.
~ Knowing when to wait and when to act ~ As we studied earlier, when to wait and when to act is critical when implementing a plan.  Now that we can see God's timing is perfect, we must figure out how to find the rhythm to work with Him in perfect unison.  Timing is rhythm.  There is power in rhythm.  Poetry has rhythm called and defined as iambic pentameter.  In poetry, the timing and rhythm raises our emotions.  In music we feel the song when we are moved with the timing of the beat.  Rhythm brings emotion, energy, and passion.  God's perfect timing feels right to us in the same way.  When He calls us for a task, the desire to act brings with it the same important reactions in us.  Confidence to act comes with the direction to act.
~ Communing with God must become our way of life and must be two-way in our understanding to be able to work in His timing.  Relinquishing control is vital to be able to move in God's timing and plans.  When we pass the baton to God, He will bring us to a new level of peace as we wait on Him.  And when the time comes to act, we no longer have to worry about results, funding, logistics, and reactions, because we are operating as a servant.
~ We have all missed assignments.  Don't fret about it.  God can use someone else to get the job done.  We've probably been used to get the job done when someone else has missed it!  One way or another, God will get the job done.  And one way or another, we will be used of God.  As we mature, we learn and grow in knowing the Master's Voice.
~ Cooperate, don't Lead ~ Clarity is the most important part of working in God's timing.  When we are unsure, unclear, and unconvinced, those are perfect indicators to wait.  What starts in prayer will end with action.  In these last days, He will need all of us to carry out the Great Commission.  We will be disguised as life coaches, real estate agents, landscape artists, mothers, writers, and friends.  We will be in places to harvest the fields.
Then saith He unto His desciples, the harvest truly is plentious, but the laborers are few.  Matthew 9:37
Your field of work is where God establishes you, and that is where you will shine for Him.  What you have been practicing and preparing for will come to pass.  You will find great pleasure in carrying out His orders.  Your marksmanship at hitting the target will become more and more centered.  And in Jesus, you will find all the comfort you need to enjoy this level of service.
     And you are not to wonder if women can do God's work.  He chooses His workers by their willingness to report to duty.  He was the first and last not to discriminate.  He wrote the policy manual on EEO, accepting all persons regardless of race, age, sex, or religious origin.
     Jesus is the first and the last, the everlasting Savior.  He is the reason we are here.  He chose us.  We chose Him, not by force, but by choice.  Love is a choice:
As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you; continue ye in My love.  John 15:9
Remember to review the past weeks. God is on the move and He wants us to move with Him. Are you ready?
Oceans of blessings, Sharron

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